AllTech People B.V., registered with the trade register under number 94421137 (hereinafterreferred to as 'AllTech') has a strict privacy policy. We take privacy very seriously and treatpersonal information with care and confidentiality. This privacy statement indicates how wedeal with the data of our jobseekers, candidates, employees and (employed) temporaryagency workers and business clients and relations.
Personal data is any data that is characteristic of an individual (also called data subject) orthat can be traced back to an individual (natural person). There are many types of personaldata. Think for example of name and address details, but also a telephone number or details about race, religion or health.
AllTech is the data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation(hereinafter referred to as the "AVG"). In this context, AllTech is responsible for the processing of personal data and determines how and for what purpose these personal dataare processed.
In the following, we explain in detail which personal data we process, for what purpose, forhow long and with whom we share personal data. It also states what rights those involvedhave and how they can exercise them.
We process personal data of the following persons:
We only process personal data that is necessary for the purposes described here. Westrive for minimal data processing, which means that where possible we process less or nopersonal data and keep the personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes ofdata processing listed below and in accordance with the legal retention periods. The personal data will be destroyed after the expiry of the relevant retention periods.
We process at least the following personal data of the (natural) persons listed below:
We delete this data if the job-seeker or candidate indicates this himself or herself or if wedo not make use of the offer. Only with the consent of the person concerned do we keepthe data for a longer period, up to two years.
If we have to retain this data due to a legal obligation, we will destroy the data after theexpiry of the legal retention period. All other data will be deleted after two years, with the exception of visual material (video, photos) which will be deleted at the first request of theperson concerned.
We are obliged to keep data relevant to our administration for the legally prescribed retention periods. We will delete all other personal data no later than two years after thebusiness relationship has ended or after the contact person at the business relationshiphas left.
We use the aforementioned personal data primarily to comply with our legal obligationsand to perform our services to the best of our ability. These services mainly consist ofmediating between jobseekers and clients and employing temporary employees with clients. In addition, we use the personal data for the reasons stated below.
In order to be able to process personal data, there must be a basis. We process personaldata on the following bases:
There may be other situations in which we process personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest of AllTech (e.g. if this is necessary for the performance of our daily business).
If we process your personal data on the basis of a legal or contractual obligation or in orderto execute a contract with you, it is important that you provide us with the requested data.If you do not do so, we will not be able to fulfil the agreement with you or you may be inbreach of it yourself.
If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. From that moment on, we will immediately stop processingthat personal data.
We share the collected personal data with third parties only in support of the aforementioned purposes or if required by law. To whom which personal data is provided dependson the situation.
We only share personal data with potential clients or supervisory authorities if this followsfrom the nature of our relationship with the data subject and/or if we are legally permittedto share the personal data with them.
We are obliged to provide personal data to competent authorities and bodies, such as:
We are obliged to provide personal data to competent authorities and bodies, such as:
We ensure that, if necessary, agreements are made with these third parties regarding therequirements with which the data exchange must comply and specifically that the third partyin question also complies with the AVG. The personal data collected will not be lent, hiredout, sold or made public in any way other than that described above. We will not transferdata to a country outside the European Union without a legal basis.
We believe that proper security of your personal data is very important. We have takentechnical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against(cyber)crime, destruction, loss or other unlawful processing. The measures taken meet atleast the general requirements of information security for an organisation like ours. Weevaluate the measures taken periodically and adjust them if necessary. If we make use ofthe services of third parties, such as an IT supplier, we will make agreements about adequate security measures.
We ensure that employees have no more access to personal data than is strictly necessary for the proper performance of their duties.
We agree on a confidentiality obligation with all persons who have access to the personaldata processed by us and who are not already bound to secrecy by virtue of their profession, position or legal regulations.
Under the AVG, you as a data subject have rights that you can use against organisationsthat process your personal data. These are the following rights:
With a request for inspection or rectification, you can find out what data we process aboutyou, for what purpose, how we obtain this data and what retention periods we use. Youcan also request to supplement or correct your personal details.
If the personal data that we process from you is possibly incorrect, is processed unlawfully, is no longer needed or you object to the processing as described below, we will atyour request (temporarily) stop the processing of their personal data or process your personal data only in a limited number of cases.
If your relationship with us has ended, you can ask us to delete your personal data, whichwe will always do if the data processing is based solely on consent. In all other cases, wewill assess whether there are reasons which prevent the complete or partial deletion ofdata, such as legal retention obligations.
If we process your personal data solely on the basis of consent granted by you or withinthe framework of a contract concluded with you, you have the right to ask us to transferthe data to yourself or to a third party designated by you. In the case of an agreementwith you, such a transfer is only possible if the agreement with you has been terminated.Please note that data which we process on a different basis, such as a legal obligation orlegitimate interest, is not eligible for transfer.
If we process your personal data solely on the basis of consent granted by you or withinthe framework of a contract concluded with you, you have the right to ask us to transferthe data to yourself or to a third party designated by you. In the case of an agreementwith you, such a transfer is only possible if the agreement with you has been terminated.Please note that data which we process on a different basis, such as a legal obligation orlegitimate interest, is not eligible for transfer.
If we are processing your personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest of AllTech(including for screening, direct marketing or profiling purposes), you may request us tostop doing so. We will then assess whether to comply with your request.
If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of the AVG, you canat all times lodge a complaint about this with the Personal Data Authority. For the formalities of submitting such a complaint, please refer to the website of the Personal Data Authority.
AllTech is entitled to change the content of this privacy statement at any time without priornotice. Any amendments to the privacy statement shall be published on the website ofAllTech. None of the provisions of this privacy statement is intended to create any obligation or agreement between [USO] and you as a data subject.
If you have any questions or comments on the processing of your personal data and thisprivacy statement or in connection with exercising the aforementioned rights, please contact AllTech at the following contact details:
E-mail address:
Mention in subject line: AVG / GDPR
The current version of this privacy statement is on October 2024.